Sunday, May 3, 2009

More on the Enneagram

We began the session with a demonstration of how to draw the enneagram, which each person did. This helps internalise the symbol which is important as many of the concepts in the Work relate to it. The images below are from Maurice Nicoll's Commentaries, Volume 2.

The notes of the musical scale were placed around it, and this led to a discussion of some aspects of harmony.

The position of the first shock (point 3) may be associated with the return to the median "mi" from a suspended fourth "fa".

We also discussed the analogy from the seven days of creation in the Old Testament and the Koran, with the corresponding points of the evolution of consciousness in the enneagram.

The processing of experiences (self-observation) was compared with other shock points such as breathing and eating.

It was agreed that the diagrams would be brought back to future meetings for reference.

Five people attended the meeting.

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