D had been attending a class which described the Aymara tribe's concept of time - that the past was in front of us, while the future was behind us because it had yet to come. People projected their minds and their history on to the world, and the only way to stop that happening was to be in the present. He found this a very interesting perspective. |
N had found that his thoughts came sometimes from body states (he had experienced some bronchitis during the past month from which some thoughts had emanated), or emotional states including from dreams. For example, on one occasion he awoke with feelings of anger which were hard to quell and which he assumed came from an experience while dreaming.
T had noticed a theme running through the thoughts that entered her head, which was a concern about how she might be viewed by others. She had traced this tendency back to childhood. For example, she had been prescribed exercises to ease a rotator cuff injury, and wanted to do them while walking or waiting at a bus stop, but had felt uneasy about how she would appear.
L said he had thoughts coming all the time and was not sure where they came from, but the exercise made him think of the relationship between our experience dreaming and our experience "awake". This reminded him of the animation Waking Life. These thoughts were like dreams - it was very hard to find out where they came from. They usually did have a source; it might be to do with puns or word-play, or similarities of colour or shape, or context of events in the past, like smells. It seemed to be an automatic process. For him as a composer it was especially interesting, as music was entering his mind all the time, He had woken with some this morning, and had got up and recorded it. So he was obviously interested in where this music came from. Did it come from nowhere? Or was it actively brought by some agency? That was actually the theory he was working with. He followed the Ancient Greek belief in the Muse, and the Muse bringing inspiration to those who were going to transcribe it. But also, just as in dreams, the conscious mind was incredibly creative in creating scenarios and he thought that could also happen in waking life.
G said that a problem had come up abroad half way through the previous week. He started thinking about it, and realised that thinking about it would not do anything, but just create doubt within him, throwing each scenario backwards and forwards. He thought the process would stop if he didn't open the door for it. But over the next day and a half it crept in again like a naughty child. He thought that he had to think about it, as if he had a moral responsibility to do so, but thinking was not going to help, and if it was going to help it would be resolved in about twenty seconds, because you would resolve to do this, or that, or leave it. But the mind kept throwing it at him, just like a naughty child, and you had to put some form of discipline before it.
"R" had been writing a book, and had a deadline coming up. The book had to be full of information. It was not a novel. It had focused her attention on what is remembered and what isn't. She wouldn't call that thinking, she would call it associations. She has noticed the way that the "database" in the mind would just slow down. It seemed to be working at half speed a lot of the time, so trying to pinpoint a particular bit of information, she had to wait, do something else, and then it would pop up. Rather as GC was saying, it was not intentional access to what she wished to access. The other side of the same thing is how is it that anything is remembered? Real thinking, it seemed to her, was to be solving problems and inventing solutions to the requirements of life that crop up. It was distressing and puzzling to consider that one was no longer in control, and never was.
Following the contributions, time was given to responding.
Tony Buzan |
The reading then continued from Beelzebub's Tales, Chapter 21.
By certain all-enlightened and all-justly guiding most sacred final results of the actualization of everything existing in the Universe, my essence has been sent to you to serve as a helping factor in the striving of each of you to free yourselves ... |
... namely, there was implanted into their presences a certain organ with special properties, owing to which everything external perceived by their whole presences and transformed for their own coating was afterwards manifested not in accordance with reality.
A little later, ... our MOST ALL-GRACIOUS COMMON FATHER did not fail to give the command immediately to annul certain artificial measures, among which was the removal from the common presences of your ancestors of the now already superfluous organ Kundabuffer with all its special artificial properties ...
GC asked what kundabuffer was. "R" gave the metaphor of a flock of sheep, who are not aware of their purpose being to be slaughtered and fed to other beings. Some people were quite happy with their views, but if you had a question you already had the energy to develop it.
Following the reading, an exercise suggested by "R" was adopted for the coming month: to choose a moment each day to let associations recede into the background to receive impressions, and notice whether what comes up is associations or thoughts, and whether it takes a long time or whether it is instant.
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